Separation steps


Stepping out of your relationship

The end of a relationship can be tough, especially when you have children. It's normal to experience a range of emotions when exiting from one phase of your life into another, including anger, sadness, frustration and grief. No matter if someone is at fault, or whatever you are feeling, it's important to manage the process as best you can - if not only for yourself, but for your kids as well. 

Take care of you

If you've already left your relationship, you may be experiencing a sense of relief.

Regardless of where you're at, it's important that you look after yourself as you navigate this process. As you take time to take care of yourself, your children will recognise how important this is, feel the effects, and benefit from the positive impact.

We recommend a few things to help get through these times >

And if it feels too much, reach out to the Real Parents team - we may be able to help.

Check-in with yourself
Reach out
Eat well and keep moving

Supporting your children

This can be a really tricky time for children as they come to terms with their parents no longer being together. While this time is hard, most children will get through ok, especially with your support, and their other parent, if possible.

Here are some ideas to help the transition run smoothly:

Have fun!
Feel the feels

Co Parenting

Even though you are no longer in a relationship with the mother or father of your kids, it is really important you find a way to co-parent. Communicating with your former partner might be really hard.

<< Here are our tips

Think before you speak
Think before you write
Trust the other parent
Nurture family connections

What's a healthy relationship?

How do we know we're in a healthy relationship - it's a question we often ask, if we're not. Our intimate relationships can have a really big impact on our parenting and on our children.

<< Perhaps consider

Recognise patterns
What power & control looks and feels like
Children and healthy relationships

Need support?

  • If you are ever in immediate danger | Call 111
  • For non-emergencies but to seek clarification or help | Call 105
  • Battered Women's Trust | 0800 REFUGE (733843) | Battered Women's Trust
  • Women’s Refuge | 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843) | Women's Refuge
  • Aviva | 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) | Aviva
  • For other services in your area | Family Services

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